Solutions for cities

upandbike, the perfect solution for citizens to be able to use bicycles and have no fear of theft or damages. Thanks to our solutions of secure bicycle parking stations, users are the main beneficiaries, thus promoting sustainable mobility

upandbike, parking para bicicletas seguro

-committed to sustainable mobility-

Make your city greener

In a world increasingly aware of the need to reduce carbon emissions and promote a healthy lifestyle, institutions are playing a crucial role in the implementation of policies and solutions to improve the quality of life of their citizens.

Sustainable mobility is one of the most important areas to be tackled, and upandbike positions itself as a strategic ally to those cities eager to lead the change towards a greener and healthier future.

We deal with the usual problems in cities

Massive parking spaces

In cities where cycling is the norm, large accumulations of badly parked bicycles form in the middle of streets, overwhelming the anchoring systems in place. Our models offer the possibility of organizing these bicycles.

La falta de aparcamientos seguros para bicicletas​ · parking de bicis seguro
Robo de bicicletas · parking de bicis seguro

Vandalism and theft

One of the main reasons why cities can not promote bicycle mobility is the lack of security cyclists feel when parking their bicycles. Our parking systems are secure, smart and control the access of passersby to the bicycles stored in them, preventing thefts. 

Lack of public space

In many instances, the lack of public space implies that parking stations can not be installed in all the places one would like. Which is why we have designed various models adapting to each situation possible, some of them being elevated or able to store double the bicycles in the same space as a standard parking rack. 

Integration difficulty

Other types of bicycle parking infrastructure can be hard to integrate in the city landscape and its day-to-day life. upandbikes have more uses than a simple bicycle parking station, specifically our A1 model, which can be used as a kiosk, a bus station, or a subway entrance, among others.

upandbike benefits your city

In upandbike we understand security to be a major concern for urban cyclists. Our secure bicycle parking solutions are specifically designed to address this problem, offering multiple benefits: 

Security and convenience

One of the main setbacks to massive bicycle use is the lack of secure spaces to park them.

We offer a network diverse upandbike stations that guarantee the security of the bicycles.

Not only does this protect the cyclists investments, but it also gives them the necessary relief to use bicycles as their main means of transport.

Integration with public transport

To maximize urban transport efficiency, a free-flowing integration among different means of transport is essential. 

upandbike can easily fit in the existing public transport infrastructures, such as subway, train and bus stations. 

This allows citizens to combine bicycle use with other means of transport, optimizing their trips and reducing the time needed.

Reduction of parking space

Cities often face the problem of a lack of space to park vehicles.

Massive bicycle parking stations can occupy valuable space if they are not correctly managed.  

upandbike solutions optimize space use, allowing to store more bicycles in less area and freeing space for other urban uses. 

Managing our parking stations

We handle the design, manufacturing and assembly of the desired upandbike, whereas the city manages them. Managing a parking station had never been as easy and simple. In case any problems should arise, thanks to our app and the station license system, reparations are quick.