upandbike models

We have designed different models that adapt to the needs and characteristics of each city, district, etc. to complete the bicycle mobility network.


upandbike model

Automatic, safe, smart and elevated bicycle parking.

The aim of the upandbike model is to optimize urban space. upandbike is 100% automatic and offers individual lockers for safe storage of acessories. It has capacity for 16 bicycles.

See the data sheet for dimensions and basic specifications. 

upandbike, parking y aparcamiento para bicicletas seguro
upandbike, parking para bicicletas seguro


Hangar model

Modular parking with semi-automatic locking and a customizable cover. Each module has capacity for 10 bicycles. Easy implementation and relocation.

See the data sheet for its basic dimensions.


Locker model

Our Locker model is also modular, each module has capacity for 12 bicycles. In addition, it also offers a space to safely store accessories. Easy implementation and relocation.

See the data sheet for the basic dimensions of the Locker model.

upandbike, parking para bicicletas seguro
Parking de bicis seguro y automatico


Rack model

Two level parking, which allow storing double the bicycles in the same space as any standard parking. 

The rack model optimizes urban space in high user density areas, such as bus or train stations, schools, offices and places of tourist attraction. It also admits all types of bicycles and their accessories. Its formed by sis modules with capacity for two bicycles each. 

See the data sheet for the Rack model’s dimensions.

All our models offer your bicycles high security storing and they all work with our app, through which reservations can be made and is necessary to open the stations and e-lockers.